Go To AndersonShooting.com and check out the upcoming classes tab to see training opportunities!
I talk to Jay Beal about his epic performance at the 2024 USPSA Carry Optics Nationals, joined by fellow AndersonShooting team member Gazz Evans from South Africa.
We answer social media questions and discuss mental and technical prep for the match.
If you want to know what Jay and Gazz know about the mental game, go to Andersonshooting.com and click upcoming classes for Mental and technical training opportunities!
What You Do After Nationals or any other important competition is crucial for succes at the next one! Here's my advice...
What should you be doing and thinking right before an inportant competition?
Here's my advice!
This is a rerun, but I had several requests for it... Please Enjoy and Have a great match!
Beacuse it's a rerun, any dates or events will not be relevant...Unless you drive a Delorean. :)
You can only have THE winning performance after you produce A winning perfromance!
These are the steps and ingredients!
Haven't had time for a podcast this week, but here's a great song for your weekend or your life... I wrote this years ago and was reminded recently of the power of these lyrics.
It's among the last Slam Circus songs we recorded. Andy Patalan singing, Mark McCoy on bass, Mike Purcell on drums and me on guitar.
Play it loud and sing along!
A little comedy musical interlude for your Thursday!
I post this every now and then for those that haven't had the pleasure.
Jay talks about winning CO and High Overall at the 2024 NH State Match!
In the beginning, accuracy is a skill...later it becomes a decision!
There are 2 big mistakes that 75% of shooters are making on a regular basis. These mistakes are keeping you in the middle of the pack. The solutions are counter intuitive but magical.