Are you ready to shoot?
Are you sure?
Today, Steve illustrates the Lanny Bassham concept of creating a culture of success with a story...
Today, Steve blasts the morning open with car horns and air raid sirens, then makes perhaps the worst shooting analogy ever.
Oops. No second takes here, so you get what you get.
While taking you through a video analysis result, Steve takes the shooter into confession.
This requires a rare second take.
Only happens here.
Now that know where you want to go, what are you willing to do to get there?
After opening with the best song from the best band, Steve gets down to the business at hand.
Sorry for the quickie...had to:
Get to work.
Today Steve gets the grouch out of bed and ready for a new day before bantering about the benefits of boredom.
Today, Steve and the dogs go for a run in the rain and learn something...
It's only different if you see it that way.
What if you acheived your goal of shooting Zen and didn't have the patience to see it through?
That might not be awesome.
Think about it.
Today Steve addresses a listener email and attempts to clear up a conundrum.
He then lets the cat a little bit out of the bag and almost has a full blown Ron Burgundy moment.
Don't act like you're not impressed.
Steve sends a breakup song to the performance problems of the past, and challenges a shooter to handle the truth.
It only happens here.
Today, Steve gets himself in trouble with the Shooting Podcast Ratings Board while expounding on the idea of subconscious shooting.
Steve is up and at 'em with a message from a wine club buddy that requires and inspires a multitude of meanderings.
(I literally love illiteration. Look it up later.)
At any rate, here's another semi-daily dose of hyper-verbal hyperbole.
Lisen close at the end for a special announcement about the new "honor system podcast subscription plan" available at
By popular demand, or at least one email, Steve addresses match nerves and how match performance can be better controlled.
Caution: There is a bassive barking outburst, so put down all dangerous objects about three quaters through.